Sunday, March 7, 2010

Boudoir Photography

Last year I did boudoir pictures for Mike for his big going away present. The whole experience was so so so much fun and I would recommend for every chick out there to do it. Not only does it make you feel like a woman but it makes you feel so good about yourself. Not forgetting to mention that Mike absolutely loved it.

So how did doing this pictures come about.... Well my sister did it first for her then fiance, now husband. I went with her and the entire experience was just so fun for her that I couldn't wait for an opportunity to do it too.

This entire experience could be so different but the photographer, Susie, makes it all about you! She allows you to control the mood and feel of the pictures. And her expertise and creativity are untouchable. If I ever get the chance to do this again, which I hope to, I can't imagine doing them anyone else.

Above are links to her blog and website. Check it out and let me know if you get inspired! She is also running a contest right now to win your very own session;)

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