Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Worlds Smallest St. Patty's Day Parade...

and I have the shirt to prove it ;) Ok, I didn't buy the shirt but they did sell them and it is the worlds smallest St. Patty's day parade. Yes, this all happens right here in little Enterprise, AL!
Every year one person, of Irish decent, walks one city block from the courthouse to the boll weevil statue and back. It was so fun!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mike Rocked his Check Ride!

Mike had his Check Ride today, which is like a final at the end of a class. The Check Ride consists of both oral knowledge and flying ability... He scores a 91, which is an A!

So so so so proud of him.

He really is being all he can be. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Email Address

Hey everyone! I have a new email address,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Boudoir Photography

Last year I did boudoir pictures for Mike for his big going away present. The whole experience was so so so much fun and I would recommend for every chick out there to do it. Not only does it make you feel like a woman but it makes you feel so good about yourself. Not forgetting to mention that Mike absolutely loved it.

So how did doing this pictures come about.... Well my sister did it first for her then fiance, now husband. I went with her and the entire experience was just so fun for her that I couldn't wait for an opportunity to do it too.

This entire experience could be so different but the photographer, Susie, makes it all about you! She allows you to control the mood and feel of the pictures. And her expertise and creativity are untouchable. If I ever get the chance to do this again, which I hope to, I can't imagine doing them anyone else.

Above are links to her blog and website. Check it out and let me know if you get inspired! She is also running a contest right now to win your very own session;)


Since it has been so long since I have blogged here are some updates :)

Ethan has been doing so terrific with potty training. All credit goes to Dad & Ethan for their dedication and patience. Ethan is easily going 3 times a day in the potty, both 1 & 2. Getting more consistant everyday. He will be potty trainined before we know it!

Ethan has been such a good kid lately. Well he is always a good kid but his listening and being good was awesome a couple weeks ago we went on a Mommy & Ethan date after school. Milky Moos, a local homemade ice cream place, and play time outside. It was so fun and I need to do it more often.

Ethan was invited to his very first friend party this weekend. His friend Gunner from school was turning 2 and had a "Two Two Train" party. He had a lot of fun and it was cool to go to his friends party.

Hahahaha... I have to laugh when I think about how much I love to eat. Just love cooking and wating. With that I love working out and hate wasting my time so I am trying to get my diet under control, no point of working out if I am just going to consume more then I burn. These signs all over my kitchen say "Make Good Choices, 1200 Calories a Day." Slowly but surely I am making better choices.

Mike Flying!

Family Day Pics Cont.

Family Day for Raven Flight 10-06

This past Friday, March 5th, 2010, Mike's flight school class (flight) had family day. I don't think words can express how excited I was to go and see him in action. Everyday Mike comes home so excited telling us about his day and we spend hours upon hours studying. It was so fun to see his actually flying and loving it. Ok, so maybe I wouldn't know the difference, but Mike really is an amazing pilot. He is so comfortable in the pilots seat, which took some time, and everything is coming to him naturally. Next week is his "check ride" which is basically the final exam to this stage, known as primary, of flight school. An end of stage evaluation.
I know I speak for everyone when I say how proud we all are of Mike!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just a fun video of Ethan being Ethan!

Snow in Alabama

February 12th, 2010 we had snow in Enterprise, Alabama. This has not happened in 16 years. Keep in mind Enterprise, AL is about 2 hours from the coast, we do NOT get SNOW. It was a lot of fun. I counted over 60 snowmen around town. Grocery stores, fast food joints, gym, schools, all closed the night before in anticipation for this crazy snow storm. As you can see it wasn't more then a couple inches but was more then these Southerners could handle. One thing we love about the South is the weather so we were not sad to see the snow melt the next day.