Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

Mike, Ethan, Ace, & I have been in Alabama for a little over a month now. How do we like it you ask? We don't hate it! Enterprise/Ft. Rucker, Alabama isn't so bad. We have made a lot of friends here, we are always busy, we move into our new beautiful home in 4 days, the beach is 2 hours away, and once we got used to the humidity there was nothing to complain about. Mike calls it "Alabama-tastic!"
Still loving life!

Ethan Hearts Dancing!

Southern Summers @ the Pool!

It has become the Saturday norm to go over to the Dibbles/Campbells/Russells for a pool party. Everyone loves Ethan and he is usually the center of attention there. There is always too much drinking and a lot of fun!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ethan Waking Up

Yesterday afternoon Ethan fell asleep in front of his door on the carpet. It was super funny to see the carpet print on the side of his face, which looked a lot like being hit in the face with a basketball. He was a sleepy boy and had a hard time waking up.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running Dreams Shattered

A sad story by an inspired runner wanna-be.
As most of you know I have been training for a marathon to take place in December. Every time I hit the 4 mile mark my knees really start to hurt. I can push through for another 3 or 4 miles but then the tears start coming and the pain is just too much. Not wanting to give up on my goal of running a marathon I went to see Dr. Brooks, a bone & joint specialist. He diagnosis... "Some people are just not made to run. Find a new sport." Great advice, eh. He did an x-ray and pulled and poked but couldn't find anything wrong with my knees.
A quick talk with Mike, who has been calling me crazy for still running while in pain, and I have decided I am not meant to run over 4 miles (tear). I have fallen in love with spin (cycling) class at the gym and started a new full body workout 3 days a week, maybe this will satisfy me.
Goodbye running dreams!
(Still on a quest for the sport that is made for me)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We went to the Beach!...

...and I forgot the camera in the car. But we got some snapshots on the way home!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michael Clive Thayer-McGregor

As most of you know my brother, Michael, passed away on June 26th of this year. He was one of the most incredible people I could have ever known and I was lucky enough to be his little sister. He is sorely missed by every person he ever met, he left such lasting impressions with his charm and charisma. Above is a link to the website celebrating his life. As my Dad says, "It was better to have had him for 42 years then to never had him at all."

We miss you Michael!


So last week I had to go to Salt Lake for our annual all staff event. One of my BFFs also works for WGU and we love this time that we get to see each other. So both of us were so excited to be in the office at the same time, see we both work from home. It takes us about 2 seconds in each others company to realize we are DRESSED THE EXACT SAME! No, we did not plan this. Everything was the same except the color. Same shirt, same pants, same hair. Kind of funny. Guess this is why we are such good friend.

I heart Shaleen! ;)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

RC This RC That

Mike has been really into all of his remote control toys. Ethan & I love watching him flying his plane or driving his rock crawler. Good ol' family fun! ;)

4th of July!

Saturday we went to the Dothan, Alabama Annual Family Fourth of July Celebration. The festival it's self was not super awesome but the fireworks were great. We brought our big blanket and just hung out on the grass for a couple hours before the show started. Ethan loved playing, running around, and flirting with every gal who caught his eye. The fireworks scared him at first but then he snuggled in between Mom & Dad and enjoyed the show. We had a great day.

Drive To Alabama

My boys are so handsome!

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Tricks Up Their Sleeves!

Mike & Ethan are coming up with new tricks all the time, this is one of my favorites! Don't worry it is all perfectly safe and well rehearsed.