Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running Dreams Shattered

A sad story by an inspired runner wanna-be.
As most of you know I have been training for a marathon to take place in December. Every time I hit the 4 mile mark my knees really start to hurt. I can push through for another 3 or 4 miles but then the tears start coming and the pain is just too much. Not wanting to give up on my goal of running a marathon I went to see Dr. Brooks, a bone & joint specialist. He diagnosis... "Some people are just not made to run. Find a new sport." Great advice, eh. He did an x-ray and pulled and poked but couldn't find anything wrong with my knees.
A quick talk with Mike, who has been calling me crazy for still running while in pain, and I have decided I am not meant to run over 4 miles (tear). I have fallen in love with spin (cycling) class at the gym and started a new full body workout 3 days a week, maybe this will satisfy me.
Goodbye running dreams!
(Still on a quest for the sport that is made for me)

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