Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ethan's First School Performance - Thanksgiving Feast

Ethan had his first school performance on Friday. The whole class froze in front of the big audience and forgot the words they all were all still super cute!!! We absolutely loved it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October 2010... One more update

We made a Haunted Ginger Bread House! Ok I made a Haunted Ginger Bread House because I am a control freak and the boys just let me do what I want.

Ethan has his first school pictures. He is so handsome!

We went to the pumpkin patch with his class. He got a sunflower and a pumpkin.

He is starting to have some pretty bad outbreaks of his HSP but he is going to be just fine. Once his immune system builds back up they are going to do the chemo treatment again.

I made this awesome sign for our guest room :)

Pregnancy Update! 30 weeks along... 8 to go!

Total weight gain/loss: I have gained between 20 & 25 pounds :(
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah... those are not even fitting some days.
Stretch marks? This week I have got new ones. Each boy leaving his own marks.
Sleep: I dread going to bed each night because I just toss & turn all night. Evan is very active at night.
Best moment this month: We have been so busy I am just enjoying life and rubbing my belly every day.
Movement: He is a very active baby. Loves all the time.
Cravings: Candy, which is terrible. I am really watching my diet though.
Gender: It is a boy! Evan Michael Maquet
Labor Signs: Nothing yet but we have had out share of those this pregnancy. Let's hope for no more.
Belly Button in or out: OUT!
What I miss: Feeling fit and skinny.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy and seeing what he looks like.
How is Dad: Still so so so amazing. I am so lucky to have such a compassionate and caring husband. Love him to death. He doesn't have the patience to wait for baby to move.
How is Big Brother: He is such an awesome kid. Every night he tells his baby brother he loves him and kisses my belly.
Milestones: We are in the final trimester
Thoughts: Trying to enjoy every moment as this is the last time I will get to experience such an amazing part of life.

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010