Friday, January 1, 2010

Ali's Best of 2009

My BFF sent me this survey (she also posted it on her blog) and I just thought it would be fun! Come along with me on a journey through 2009!
TRIP: Best trip was the trip Michael & I took to Cabo San Lucas in January.
BOOK: My Sister Keeper. I really enjoy Piccoult books, to bad the movie didn't follow the book.
ALBUM: Black Eyed Pease, The End. Just a fun album and it pumps me up at the gym.
NIGHT OUT: What is this? Hello I have a 2 year old. My Bachelorette party was a fun night, we had it at my house but it was a night I will never forget (thank you boys of Ft. Rucker).
CHALLENGES: Coping with the passing of my brother. Some days are still really hard for our family.
WORD or PHRASE: I have this horrible habit of talking in text. For example I say things like LOL, JK, NBD, you get the idea. My most favorite text talk of 2009 was OOC, Out Of Control, thank you Rachel Zoe for that wonderful addition to my vocabulary.
WEBSITE: Living in Enterprise, AL I am on the internet a lot but I don't think I have a favorite site. This year I did use a lot for fun projects around the house.
PLACE: My new home!
NEW FOOD: Nothing totally new this year. However, I have found a new love for cooking and have been making all kinds of things. The best thing I have made in 2009 that will be a forever favorite is a Starberry Cake.
LEARNING EXPERIENCE: My wonderful husband has taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. There are good days and bad days in life but the people that you truelly love will always be there and you will always be there for them. I am super lucky to have far more good days then bad days.
QUOTE: "You are only as happy as you make your mind up to be."
LAUGH: Michael talking in his sleep, haha haha.
RESOLUTION: Appreciate what I have... I think I did a pretty good job of it this year but have set the resolution to continue to work at this in 2010.
SCARIEST MOMENT: When Ethan was in the PICU. I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy. No one should ever have to see their child that sick and that close to the end.
MOMENT OF PEACE: There are 2 big ones. When Ethan was in the PICU they had to get the breathing tube in for there to be any chance of his pulling through. It took doctors about 8 hours to get the tube in, this was a peaceful moment for me. I knew he would pull through it at that very moment. The second moment is when he came off the ventalator and I got to hold him in my arms. The 10 days he was in that bed and I couldn't hold him I kept telling the doctors and nurses that I could make him better if I could just hold him. 4 days later Ethan went home. (I am getting all teary eyed just thinking about it)
FRIEND MOMENT: Again, sorry, when Ethan was in the PICU I was amazed at how many people shined through in my life. I didn't have to tell anyone what we needed, it was just done. A special thank you to Katie who was so understanding when I was unable to attend her wedding. Like I said I didn't have to say word she just knew and understood.
ACHIEVEMENTS: So I am having a hard time on this one.... I am trying super hard to keep Ethan healthy. I got married to my soul mate (cheesy I know). I have improved my cooking. I have bought a house.
OVERALL MEMORY: My brothers memorial service. It was overwhelming the number of lives he touched by just being himself. We miss you bro, love you.

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