Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We Have Arrived!

What a feeling, to wake up one morning and feel 100% comfortable in your own skin, 100% thrilled with where life is and where it is headed, and in absolute bliss when you think about the one you have chosen to go on this crazy ride called life with... That is when I say "We have arrived!"
No matter the disagreements, the never ending to-do list, or the plate that is over flowing with responsibility. Everything feels as it should be and life feels so full. I posted the other day on FB that there are somethings that I cannot control and that is ok and I meant that. Maybe it is getting older, maturing, accepting the things that you can't change, and most important embracing all you have. Whatever it is I feel like my family & I have hit that point in life where we are not struggling and just living. What a feeling!
I probably do this way more then necessary and at the same time I will never do it it enough... But I love my boys and my life! Mike is in flight school and it is crazy busy and he gets stressed out but that is exactly where he is suppose to be. He excels at every aspect of his training and is loving every moment of it. Ethan is getting bigger and smarter every day. We finally have his HSP under control, knock on wood, and the hernia has been repaired. He is well on his way to using the potty and listens a little better every day. As for myself I workout every morning and am not a happy camper if I don't. I work full time and am on the path to finishing my MBA by February 2011. Mike doesn't let a day go by where he doesn't make sure I know how much he appreciates the things I do to keep our household running, and for that I am forever grateful.
There is not a dull moment in the Maquet house but it is a happy home. We are sleepy most of the time but we know we have an incredible life. As silly as it may sound it just feels good to be in that place where you are just happily living life. No drama and lots of love!
Michael Scott & Ethan William, thank you!

1 comment:

Hippy Mom turns Army Wife said...

That's beautiful Alison. You really are living in gratitude and that is indeed the happiest place to be. Congratulations!