Thursday, June 4, 2009

UPDATE - Ethan out of the PICU

Good morning! Yesterday evening Ethan was moved out of the PICU onto the floor, woo woo! Big step. He no longer has any of what they call "lines" which are similar to IVs but go deeper into the vein and/or artery. He is no longer getting oxygen. All he is connected to is a feeding tube & has an IV so they can adminster medicine, although he is taking most his meds orally now. They are allowing him to eat so hopefully we can get that feeding tube out asap. Ethan started his physical therapy yesterday and did very well. It is not that he has forgot how to sit up, roll over, crawl, walk, etc. it is that he is very weak from being under paraletics & sedatives for so long. The Physical Therapist was very pleased with what she saw for his first day and has no concerns. Still waiting on the blood work results and this morning I will learn what the plan is from here.
Last night I went home and slept, which was the best possible thing I could do for everyone involved. Yesterday I had hit my limit and the lack of sleep had caught up with me. Only 2 more days and Michael will be home, which we can now be excited about for all the right reasons.
Amazing how 12 days ago the doctors were preparing us for the absolute worst. We knew our baby and he is one strong tough little guy. He really put a good fight & won. There is still a long road to recovery and a lot of unanswered questions. The important thing is that he is still here with usm getting healthier every day, and can continue to do amazing things.

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