Thursday, March 12, 2009

Goodbye Week 7... You delivered challenges & good news!

Today is the end of Week 7 of Michael being away, and the end of Week 5 of Basic Training.

This week Michael was fired from being squad leader (along with all the squad leaders), a planned tactic by the Drill Sergeants. He described it as the "truly a great day," as he didn't enjoy loosing his freetime to babysit. He went through a suicide awareness training which was pretty cheesy from what I could understand. He actually got to shoot his gun which of course he was really good at; it caught of the attention of the company commander who gave him kudos.

As you all know Ethan was in the hospital, Tuesday Michael received my letter about Ethan and was able to call. WOOO WOOO! Seriously made all 3 of feel so much better. We also got a date for the end of Basic Training. April 10th I will be headed to Georgia for "Family Weekend" where Mike will get 2 days off post. His actual graduation isn't until April 24th but he will be shipping off to Warrant Office school on the 13th or 14th. So no actual graduation but glad his other schools are not being delayed. Right now we are waiting on word if I will be able to drive Michael from Ft. Benning to Ft. Rucker (2hr drive). That will give us another day together. Cross your fingers!

Overall this week was a little tough. All 3 of us had some bad days. We are looking forward to Ethan being well and the next 29 days flying by.

Hope everyone is doing well! Cheers!

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