Monday, October 27, 2008

Ethan almost 10 months old... I know I can't believe it either.

Eating cookies and bed!

Taking nice relaxing baths!

Hanging out with Mike!

Watching (or eating) Football!

Playing Hockey!

Giving my MomMom flirty eyes!

The thing I do best, getting into trouble!

Ethan sure loves his MomMom! MomMom sure loves her Ethan!

It has been a long time since I have posted any pictures. Here are some pictures of Ethan from this past month. Right after Halloween he will be 10 months old. He is so close to walking, it will be anyday now. We all know he will be walking by Christmas. Friday night we will be dressing up and hitting the streets for his first trick or treating experience, I will definately post pictures! I also have a lot more pictures on my camera (these are from my phone) but cannot find the silly cord. Just stay tuned folks, there is always more to come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute! I love having you here so i can be part of all this!!