Thursday, May 28th... We finally feel like we are making progress, even though it is very small. The first 4 days felt like one very long day to me, but today felt like a new day.
Today his vitals, blood gases, and hemoglobin/hemocrit levels have stayed stable/normal. We moved him from the oscillator to the ventalator for about 4 hours. He did well but not as awesome as they would like or as he does on the oscillator so they moved him back. I did not think he would stay on the ventalator so this was no surprise. He just did not seem ready, but still did really great. While he was on the ventalator the hemotologists were able to get the bone marrow samples they wanted. This is very exciting as they are finally able to truly look at his red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These tests will take a few days and should offer some answers.
Ethan is looking more like himself every single day. He is still completely on life support, completely sedated, and completely paralized. They have up'd the sedative & paraletic as he was "breaking through" and on his support machine he really needs to stay out of it so he does not fight the machine. Today Ethan seems very calm & comfortable.
His stay in the PICU is still looking like a total of 2 weeks, 9 more days. Then I imagine we will be staying in the hospital for some time. Our little Ethan is so so strong. Michael & I could not be more pleased with the progress he is making as he is making it at the pace that is best for him. Ethan does a wonderful job of letting us know what he needs in his own way.
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