His lungs are looking better and we are still making progress toward weaning him off his current respiratory machine, an oscillator, onto a more conventional machine, a ventalator. The current machine he is on is keeping his lungs open while pushing the oxygen he needs in and then he naturally pushes the air out. This causes our already snotty mcgee son to continue to be snotty mcgee.
He finally has his feeding tube in. Although, they are not yet giving him nurtition through the feeding tube because his IV fluids are enough.
His vitals have fluctuated througout the day and have now stabalized.
Ethan continues to be a fighter. Having opened his eyes a few times and sparatically moving arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, and shoulders. As I write this he is squeezing my finger. He is still under sidation & a paraletic. The doctors & nurses are not concerned about this activity as it is not affecting his progress, him being on the machine, and is actually good for him.
Our families & friends are amazing. Everyone's prayers & positive energy is definately helping, keep it up. All of the Grandparents are on "shifts" so Ethan & I are always have company. Michael & I get to talk numerous times through out the day since Ethan arrived at Primary's. He of course is worried and is anxious to get home on the 6th. We have made the decison since Ethan is in what the PICU calls a "critically stable" position that it is not necessary for him to rush home and he is going to finish this last week of WOCS.
Thank you for all your support. We have a long journey ahead of us.
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