Thursday night Ethan started to show his spots again, very very beginning stages. Friday morning he woke up covered in spots, NBD right, we have seen this tons of times. A couple hours after he woke up his feet were black, red, and spotty. His temperature was rising, and he was not a happy camper. We went in to see his Pediatrician who calmly but with urgency told me to take him to Primary Childrens Hospital. We arrived at the ER about 11am and all the doctors were quickly on the case. He had numerous tests done, 18 to be exact, which required lots of poking & proding. Friday afternoon Ethan was admitted to the hospital. The doctors wanted to do more tests and try to find some answers. Thinking it would just be an over night stay we ended up being at the hospital for 4 days & 3 nights. We got home Monday evening.
The diagnosis, which is what everyone wants to know, Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy. I am going to call it AHEI to make it easier. Did your head start spinning? What it means is when Ethan gets sick, any kind of sicky, his body almost turns on it's self. His vessels swell and his blood leaks, for lack of a better word, which is when we see spots. Due to gravity the leaked blood settles in his feet which causes the black, red, and spots. This last time was the first time that he swelled up like he did from the feet up, I anticipate I will be seeing the swelling again with future episodes. What triggered the most recent episode is Adenovirus, which is a respertory virus and is very common. Also, very contagious. There is nothing we can do for AHEI except treat whatever triggers it. This time the Adenovirus has no treatment but let it run it's course. Ethan is taking Zyrtec daily now.
Friday we have a follow up with the Dermatologist at Primary Childrens, she will confirm the diagnosis and deliver the biopsy results. Monday we will meet with Ethan's Pediatrician, who will take out his stitches from the biopsy. Being home now Ethan is acting more and more like himself. He seems to be doing much better. A little creative planning this week and working to get him back on schedule and life should be back to normal.
Thank you to everyone who came to visit and has sent their best wishes. Ethan is going to be just fine and we love all the support.
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